
Tuesday, March 4, 2014

health benefits of Lemons & Limes

 health benefits of Lemons & Limes
  • lower blood pressure
  • high in antioxidants
  • assists nervous system
  • healthy heart
  • detoxify your body
  • relieves constipation
  • induces good sleep
  • highly alkalizing
  • anti-viral
  • relieves heartburn
Read More... Résuméabuiyad

10 health benefits of Grapes

10 health benefits of Grapes
  • diuretic
  • anti-aging
  • fights diabetes
  • prevents cancer
  • prevents heart attacks
  • lower blood pressure
  • anti-inflammatory
  • high in anti-oxidants
  • supports muscle repair
  • Increases good cholesterol
Read More... Résuméabuiyad

honey benefits

 honey benefits

  • stabilizes blood pressure
  • eliminates allergies
  • anti-inflammatory
  • promotes body and digestive health
  • strengthens the immune system
  • anti-bacterial
  • anti-fungal
  • relieve pain
  • calm nerves
  • balances sugar
  • improves bronchitis,asthma,anti-viral

Read More... Résuméabuiyad