
Tuesday, March 4, 2014

health benefits of Lemons & Limes

 health benefits of Lemons & Limes
  • lower blood pressure
  • high in antioxidants
  • assists nervous system
  • healthy heart
  • detoxify your body
  • relieves constipation
  • induces good sleep
  • highly alkalizing
  • anti-viral
  • relieves heartburn
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10 health benefits of Grapes

10 health benefits of Grapes
  • diuretic
  • anti-aging
  • fights diabetes
  • prevents cancer
  • prevents heart attacks
  • lower blood pressure
  • anti-inflammatory
  • high in anti-oxidants
  • supports muscle repair
  • Increases good cholesterol
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honey benefits

 honey benefits

  • stabilizes blood pressure
  • eliminates allergies
  • anti-inflammatory
  • promotes body and digestive health
  • strengthens the immune system
  • anti-bacterial
  • anti-fungal
  • relieve pain
  • calm nerves
  • balances sugar
  • improves bronchitis,asthma,anti-viral

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Friday, February 21, 2014



It is also called (Anemone) and called him the title of (opium pharmacy home) or (poppy red) due to its property sedative, and Aljalbh to sleep, but the use of one of the plants uses other than thoracic.

Some uses of chrysanthemums
  • Using emulsion flowers internally to treat gastroenteritis light and expel intestinal worms and strengthen the blood (increased hemoglobin).
  • It is used externally for the treatment of rheumatism and gout as Askhaddm for hair care.
  • Enjoying daisy flower characteristics antibacterial and fungi because they contain the subjects of beta carotene and saponins, which Tenctan the immune system, and used to treat oral infections, grain, and insect stings.

  • Daisy flower and mix with ointments or paint on wounds, skin Almst, and even old scars to benefit from strong effect on wound healing, being effective against staph.
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Recipe for quince use as a medicine for diarrhea

Recipe for quince use as a medicine for diarrhea
Boil the rice in the amount of 250 grams of water, then add a spoonful of powder boiled quince to this degree until full maturity, and given to children with diarrhea and Alnahilan and Muslolin and infected lesions thoracic and gastrointestinal disturbances.
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Or prickly pear (cactus, Abbarh, patience)

Also called cactus or Abbarh or patience, a fruit spread in the country, warm and temperate, especially in mountainous areas and sandy ones.
And prickly pear (or patience) as we know it with a thick crust filled with brambles minute the pulp with seeds is a solid black color.
Figs contain amounts of sugars reach 14% of the weight, and the 1% of the protein, and the amount of the vitamin (s) and vitamin (A) The most important minerals are lime and phosphorus.

The most important features of prickly pear (cactus)

Alumblyn is done, it is an excellent alternative to drugs laxatives, and can be taken on an empty stomach am in this capacity. As if taken after food, it has actually Hadma excellent.
This can remove the thorns that are attached by hand when peeling figs, sesame oil, rinsing fingers (Serg).
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Plant known to the general public, tender leaves are used with branch and leaves lose their properties and medical benefits after the emergence of the dice in the herb and watercress which notes that are not fresh green leaves, to wide, and tastes bitter. This means that it has properties which are no longer pointless.

arugula juice is used for the germination of hair falling one after the injury Balhmyat. The method of use is that of fresh arugula juice blends by the equivalent of pure alcohol, and is added to the mix something from the leaves of roses blossom to improve the smell and then massaged by the scalp daily.

arugula and used ointment to heal burns and crush it with the amount of arugula is received and medium-sized amount of paper Strawberries (strawberries - strawberries) and cooking oil, flax and then filter the mixture is hot with a piece of gauze.

And arugula juice cure for blood purification in the spring and freeing it from Oachoph and poison. To address all the symptoms of vitamin A deficiency (W-C) Knsep gum boils, acne, chronic skin lesions.

Some believe that the arugula juice benefits diabetics as it reduces the amount of sugar in the urine of infected, as useful in the treatment of disease and swine Romatesma In pulmonary tuberculosis as helping to clean up the chest of sputum (expectorant).

It is recommended to use arugula juice for those who suffer symptoms of nicotine poisoning (smokers).

And the introduction of arugula among the elements of power helps digestion and to increase the secretion of bile hepatic, as well as Valjrgyr generates urine, for this is given to the injured Bansbabat serological (pleurisy, elephants, water, edema) and arugula also emmenagogue any frequently the amount of menstrual blood so it is advisable not to abound him pregnant.

And diuresis using boiled arugula and that boiling the amount of three handfuls of watercress with a large onion in white-liter and half liter of water and the continuation of boiled until there is no liquid, but a third, and then filtered drink it a lukewarm by half a cup in the morning and half a cup of another in the evening.

And excessive intake of arugula is harmful .. The disorder causes heartburn and indigestion in the urine of bladder irritation and bleeding when pregnant women.

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