
Friday, February 21, 2014



It is also called (Anemone) and called him the title of (opium pharmacy home) or (poppy red) due to its property sedative, and Aljalbh to sleep, but the use of one of the plants uses other than thoracic.

Some uses of chrysanthemums
  • Using emulsion flowers internally to treat gastroenteritis light and expel intestinal worms and strengthen the blood (increased hemoglobin).
  • It is used externally for the treatment of rheumatism and gout as Askhaddm for hair care.
  • Enjoying daisy flower characteristics antibacterial and fungi because they contain the subjects of beta carotene and saponins, which Tenctan the immune system, and used to treat oral infections, grain, and insect stings.

  • Daisy flower and mix with ointments or paint on wounds, skin Almst, and even old scars to benefit from strong effect on wound healing, being effective against staph.

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