
Tuesday, February 11, 2014

How Tnhvin without being hurt newborn???

The Diet (accursed) for breastfeeding women require a lot of attention.
It is a risky path. On the one hand should avoid foods high in fat and very poor that lead to spoiling the quality of the milk, the other hand must avoid many foods and severe fat that leads to elderly mother Almstqbhh.
The image of nursing last chunky their bodies and faces swollen still Traa Many of today's young mothers.
Mother and can easily be Tnhv a nursing her baby, and, of course, without causing any harm to the baby, and dietary rules required provable very simple so that you can all or worried about the strong and willing to breast-feed her child that applied easily.
And that the increase is caused to a woman medium stature and weight during pregnancy, ranging between 10-12 kilos and while the situation is equivalent to a drop in weight of 5.5 kilograms distributed thus:
3.5 kg birth weight 0.500 g placental weight 0.1 kg weight of the fluid Caminos, and finally the 500 grams of blood.
After almost two weeks uterine contractions and lead to a drop in new accessories in weight equivalent of almost two kilograms. But it remains to this woman to lose three kilos in order to also go back to the original weight before pregnancy.
If the young mother rushed eat greedily claimed that this is better to feed her child, the three kilos does not prove, but only in her body weight increases and a number of other significant.
The greatest danger lies in the acquisition of obesity around the sixth week of lactation must be to avoid this danger of dropping out of a number of eating food.
Primarily to avoid all the strength of a material with diabetes (Glosad), particularly sugar, jams, and candies, chocolate, pastries etc. .... It also must moderate intake of carbohydrates, particularly bread and other.
Then you should avoid the consumption of hypersaline with food such as meat or seafood saved salted, as he can avoid the multiplication of table salt.
Finally, it should minimize the consumption of drink while dining. Here it should be pointed out that every alcoholic beverage is a real threat to the generation of milk and quality.
These various precautions can not ever cause any harm to the health of the baby provided a lot of consumption that will come with food mentioned, I mean those with food which is active generation of milk.
The proteins form the core material in each Benin tissue, these proteins are what give form to the flesh of the child, Valham Red fried, fish and lean and hard cheese, eggs and milk should not be missing from the diet or suckled.
The salt and lime and phosphorus these materials which are not ignorant of one of its importance in building bones, they form at the same time hardness skeletal structure of the initial teeth, and cow's milk is the best food Net believes the mother breastfeeding their need of phosphorus limestone.
Upon waking up, and at 10 am and 16 have to drink a quarter of a liter of milk at least this great need. The women who complain of lack of bitterness Fbasttaathen skimmed milk intake. In such a case they have to completing their diets, eating vitamin D because the removal cream milk inspecting this particular vitamin.
And as a source of material adverse promise foremost cheese and some vegetables or fruit dry figs, olives, watercress and dandelion.
As for other types of salts, chemical and biological and mineral elements that must be provided in mother's milk, these materials are present in abundance in vegetables soft, sweet potato, especially in the (Frik) and the formation of blood must be iron and this is what is available in abundance in the parsley, egg yolk and calf's liver and others.
It must milk of women to be rich in vitamins, in particular. In order to achieve this wealth must be the mother's diet is rich by itself.
And vitamin A should be given to the baby frequently and not cause a shortage in diarrhea and inflammation in acceding kind, and may lead to corneal ulceration. And whole milk, egg yolks and cheese are also a major source of this vitamin. And also gives this vitamin parsley, carrots and vegetables power and chard and spinach, as well as some types of fruit Kalmhamsh peach, a vitamin in the material contained in this precious vegetables, fruits, known as instances of the islands.
The Vitamin D is essential for bone formation for he generally available if the mother drank three-quarters of a liter of milk a day. It can rely on egg yolks and butter soft to provide this vitamin.
Vitamin (s) of this vitamin contributes directly to the overall growth of the baby and the mother's milk is the richest in this vitamin by eating mother's soft fruit, and raw meat and vegetables, parsley, power and others.

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