
Saturday, February 15, 2014



Who among us has not been in the period of his life friend of peanuts purchased in shell or peeled, and carried him to the boards that pleased them relax and give birth entertainment of Fine especially in the open under the sun and above the grass or on the sports stadiums, if settled primarily take the shooting of beneath it from the rest of the audience with a barrage of fragile crusts.

We went through all of this case, and some of us are still commonly practiced eating peanuts from time to time and again, Vafattaan young drinkers appetite because medical books assures them that it builds muscle, and young girls because they do not Atnolnh Ihssn hungry.

And the fact that boys and girls are right in the demand for peanuts, Valvestq not a platoon vegetables vehicle which is closer to the beans and peas, but outperform them in terms of the richness materials Albanian Energy enormous, and if a person eat a day from the seeds of pistachio what fills four cups, it is enough adult man per day of these units as well as this Albrocin and Vitamins A, B, and w.

And half a cup of peanut butter contains 576 units Hroria and 26.1 grams of Albrocin and 47.8 grams of vegetable fat, and 393 mg of phosphorus and 16.2 grams of niacin and 0.12 grams of vitamin B1. If ladle rights in dealing with this article, it gets obesity. And proteins play a prominent role in the process of cell production and change the damaged ones. The protein is a substance which is the cornerstone of incorporation for each cell of the body. It is a living material that constitute them all cells

Peanut protein warehouse

The peanuts nutrient-rich, whether or not roasted or salted butter, is a fuel that produces energy Albrootaten which compensates cells and restore it. The peanut butter in the introduction of six food consumed on a large scale. Has been reached this conclusion after analyzing 751 food items, the foam peanuts contain fat food and energy as well as on Albotaaan and phosphorus and thiamin and niacin.

There are three main types of peanuts, according to the validity of seeds for roasting and salting and extraction of fatty substances that are used in the manufacture of peanut butter, a type of cream, which is used in making many varieties of candy and ice cream.

Peanut oil contains fatty acids which is fit for frying, and used in medicine as the bearer of some important drugs penicillin and adrenaline as well as its use as a basis for plastic materials.

The 26 percent of peanuts consists of Brocaaan and 50 percent of fatty substances, and atmospheric red that surrounds Balbdhurgne vitamin b and pound English and one (453 grams) of foam peanuts contain dietary energy the contents of a quarter of a pound of roast beef or a liter of milk or 32 eggs.

The fat extracted from peanuts thin oily textures make it easier for the body to represent, he is at that differs greatly from animal fats that make up the sheets of cholesterol in the arteries of the body such as the heart and kidneys of vital brain.

And shows the hardening of arteries in these organs are bouts of stroke or heart attack, as shown in deficiencies in the college, and maintains Albrootaten extracted from peanuts, as well as oils extracted from the flexibility of the arteries Contrary to grease animal that causes hardening of the arteries and clogged what is placed inside of a substance cholesterol, and maintains oil Troah debauchery slaves on the skin and prevents the appearance of creases early.

Not peanuts and peanut butter and baby food alone, the adults especially if they age in need of food that contains a good amount of Albotaaan so because they eat less quantity and because the process of the restoration of the cells in their bodies take in the slowdown.

Since it is difficult for the body that stores Albrootaten most of all stakeholders affairs nutrition insist that people, whatever their age, they need a daily intake of Albrootayen, there is no doubt that peanut butter is one of the most delicious foods that maintain a sufficient proportion of Albrootayen in the body.

Needless to say, the Albrootayen is essential for the growth of the child, because the child in a continuing need to build new tissue. Some specialists in matters of nutrition that Palace fathoms some people due to a chronic lack of Albrootayen during their childhood.

Whether that covered peanuts in a football match or Ksmon vegetarian with food or a dessert after a delicious banquet, this food is wonderful savings to build the body of Albrootayen. It is the best food for children. The peanut butter is best reached by human innovation to deliver Albrocaúan Albany for the body to children.

Grows peanuts in warm areas with soft soil, which makes it easier for roots to penetrate pistachio, provided that the soil containing a sufficient amount of fertilizer including lime.

And a few pistachio plant stalk her height does not exceed two feet in length. And appear on the leaves golden yellow flowers that will quickly wither. Then descend from the flower stalk Cup bow minutes until it reaches the ground and grow them at the end of this leg strike in the land consists casings containing pistachio kernels.

It antics exciting that the world Negro George Washington Carver discovered two hundred way to take advantage of the peanuts and the crust and poem Vakecr pistachios used in the manufacture of insulated panels for voice and slabs wall and materials cork lining their bottle stoppers peanut oil (and constitute Oil half of the fruit) is used in Oils and detergents, and this oil is purified fit for food is also used in the manufacture of micro-lenses, and fit in spoiling you paralyzed muscles. And the remaining waste from the oil industry pistachio foraging for cattle and animals.

And section dedicated to humanitarian food enters half of pistachios in the production of foam peanuts, has produced this kind of butter on a small scale for the first time in 1890 as a food for patients and allocates twenty percent of the confectionery industry, and the rest after that Felthamis and eating.

This is not everything for peanuts, you might discover in the future uses of many if he stepped became the perfect food for astronauts in their journeys to the moon, and perhaps introduced plants grown in space allocated for travel between the planets.

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