
Thursday, February 20, 2014

Is ice water free days ameliorate the suffocating atmosphere???

Is ice water free days ameliorate the suffocating atmosphere???

Some people believe that eating the water icy free days, it relieves the stress of suffocating atmosphere, but they may be surprised if they knew that this work does not have a minimum impact on the feeling too hot, and that the opposite is true, namely that eating hot liquids and showers with hot water were the ones who alleviate the of the weight of the free, and Ardoban body.

How does it happen???

When it's hot, the surface blood vessels widen, which earns the skin to be pink but the heat transmitted to the whole body, so if I arrived outside temperature to a higher degree than normal, and this rate varies from one person to another, human hair fatigue and distress, because of the opposite effect, which deals with the heart and blood vessels deep, if the human effort excessive, in the case of such injured (heat stroke) with a cut in the blood.

As we see with who have a stroke of the sun, gathered on Oshidagahm foam and pink, and probably evolved this case to the congestion of cerebral or pulmonary, and in this case baptizing some to put a rag wet with cold water, if the veins surface shrinks, and if the veins deep stretch of a sudden, This is what leads to the same incidents of tension.

These incidents also fall if they eat human or icy cold drink in a state of feeling Bagayz so that the transmission of the gut feeling of vessels to be cold, Dgz leads to blood vessels in the rest of the body, especially the brain.

It is true that man feels good and hypothermia when he enters his stomach to drink Bhadra, or obtain a cold bath, but that this sensation is temporary if the air remained hot, and the air temperature is high, since there is no sense of the above upset soon be repeated again.

So how do you fight the free???

The best tool for this, as I have already mentioned, is to eat beverages hot, taking hot baths, and we can understand the reason for this is if we realized mechanism feeling of heat and cold, when we take a drink hot, it leads you to a sense of rising heat your body topical, if still This heat Bancharha throughout the body, I felt cold relative, and the blood that was expansive shrink resulting in a slow transfer of heat in your body, which also happens when you take a bath hot ... and intended Balsachen here is the literal meaning of the word, and not the (tepid) .

What do you do if you find yourself in the course of the cold air???

Here would be better for you to deal with drinks hot, and this is what people do instinctively in North Africa and Central Asia, as we see them taking tea or coffee Alharin in the oases, orchards wooded, Modern science has proven the validity of this method and its usefulness, no doubt you remember how you felt the delicious cold after a hot bath in the summer, or when dealing with hot tea in a very hot atmosphere.

Thus we see that the difference between drinks hot beverages cold, really worthy of consideration and therefore must warn try cooling a person with heatstroke by giving him a drink hot, but must be given a drink cool on payments a few, with ventilated and place it in the shade and give him a solution of camphor, and caffeine for the treatment of heart, there is a difference between just feeling too hot extreme, and the incidence of stroke between the sun.

If the injury is serious, it must be baptized to conduct artificial respiration to an infected blood transfusion in all cases be lowering body temperature by cooling the direct necessity due.

In normal cases, Vidaoy TB disease, eating a hot beverage in the hot atmosphere.

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