
Friday, February 21, 2014

Some tips on the use of margarine

Some tips on the use of margarine

  • That all margarine spoil the passage of days and because of the high proportion of acid in it, which calls for a change in taste and smell, especially when it is heated and try cooking, the pungent smell then becomes unpleasantly strong.

  • May not leave the margarine plant or animal (municipal) exposed to the air because it causes Toksdh, and thus corruption. So you must put margarine in glass pots, sealed to prevent oxidation .. and not kept in open tanks.

  • May never use margarine and quality of vegetable oils of all kinds twice what is not permissible for a woman to fry and cook a fatty substance use and has previously accused by some scientists decomposition of fatty acids released by the events of cancer.

  • It is wrong to put your margarine botanically was or animal (municipal) on fire heated up to form on its surface foam red or black, it first, then begin Boukharat not color have to escalate when he reaches the melting peak, changing the color of the white layer floating on the surface of margarine melted translated into tan or reddish.
The transformation of this layer of the color white to red or black guide to the disintegration of the installation of ghee, and spoil its atoms Vigdo indigestible Mkhrcha of the intestines.
Margarine that contains a substance (glycerine), which he calls the public (fat sweet) If the disintegration of the installation of this material by heat became of cholesterol in the butter then difficult to digest.

This doctors advised their patients Almamodan (infected lesions are contagious) avoiding (pans) because they are difficult to digest, and to avoid the breakup of fatty substances advises housewife house put what you want minority in the pot containing ghee dissolved before they escalate Ibkhrth and turn the layer floating on the surface of ghee to tan or reddish.

Advises housewife house also adds Mallh of ghee to the pan unprotected set on fire and the other from time to time to maintain the temperature of the melted margarine and to prevent the disintegration of atoms.
  • It is wrong to fry vegetables ghee before cooking because the meaning of that sabotage vitamins in them, and enclosed in a layer of fatty prevent the influence of juicers digestion to atoms and thus digested, has proven to digest boiled vegetables or involved in authorities are within three hours while requiring digest cooked vegetables after frying shortening to 6 hours, and therefore advises housewife house cook vegetables without frying (any application).
  • It is wrong to cook vegetables and meat together and leave the mixture on the fire works long hours during which devastating fire in the food, were killed in vitamins.

It is better to provide vegetables boiled or that the authorities are climbing vegetables alone and then added to the boiled meat and broth.

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