
Tuesday, February 11, 2014


Licorice plant of the platoon Lafrahih grow in the territory of the United Arab Republic in abundance, also grow in Spain, Turkey and Greece. The length of this plant is almost half a meter, while penetrating its roots in the ground, which grows in the barren land without care or attention, and the Arabs have known this since the old root, sweet and thanks to them being transferred to Europe and the rest of the world.

Uproot the roots of this plant from the ground and leave piles of brewing and getting a little yellower color, then cleaned of dust sticking out and exported to America and Europe into small pieces or crushed.

The licorice prevent thirst and is useful in the treatment of asthma and dry cough, and the soaked liquidate sound, and purifies rod lung benefit in convulsions and fevers, as the juice licorice suitable for roughness rod lung and cut thirst and should make under the tongue and absorbed discharged, Taking drink it agrees gastritis and chest pain, and benefit in all kinds of cough, and should be described in the treatment of all the ills of the chest and the bladder, it is more beneficial medicine for heartburn and roughness.

Licorice contains an element of glycerine (acid Alglesirezek) United potassium, calcium, which is a sweet substance outweigh Bhlautea regular sugar by about fifty times, so it is not recommended for diabetic afflicted with diabetes. As well as the roots contain significant amounts of grape sugar (glucose) and cane sugar (Sakaros) and some starch and protein and resins and resin by:

Gleserezin 15%, 16% sugars, carbohydrates 28%, Aspargen 4%, water 20%.

Moreover roots of licorice contain soap cause the occurrence of foam, which called for a known name (fresh beer) to drink licorice to view his appearance semi-regular beer (beer).

Using drenched roots of licorice in the summer moisturizer and generating of Paul. Moreover has a laxative effect in the intestine for Mhafehh constipation. The sap is used medically its roots in the work of pulp black or brown material that mixes a little sedative and palliative 2% (Kalavaon) for use in the larynx and throat infections and colds and hoarseness. It uses Java Soga pharmacists crushed to make a lot of grain in that way and managed to keep from sticking to each other, and Satara to taste bitter.

And drenched conclusion that the use of licorice syrups summer savory has its health benefits
As it protects against thirst, and activates the liver generates bile, making it one of the best laxatives light which does not cause colic or inherited habit of addiction.

Nor is to be realized usefulness in the treatment of diseases, asthma and Romatzmaúah Alolargia by stimulating the secretion of cortisone in the body, thanks to its content of material Algleserezin. It is better than regular soft drinks since come down to the inflamed membranes of the digestive system and the proposed coolness and peace.

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