
Tuesday, February 11, 2014


Is a very rich pea Balbrocin for other vegetables, as they contain 75% water and 6.5% Brobbtin and TFM 0.4% carbohydrates 17% and 0.2% fiber materials gray 0.9% and a calorific value of 80%.

And contain pea fresh in every hundred grams to 25 mg of vitamin (s) and 0.30 mg of vitamin (B1) and 0.25 mg of vitamin (B-2) and the Melgramen of the vitamin (bb) and 0.18 mg of vitamin (6).

In the case of canning, this percentage drops significantly, despite the fact that the style of canning talk is keen on keeping the part of the benefits of materials that preserve, and this situation causes, Valgalb that deliberately housewives to throw the water that kept him peas in cans and not to take advantage of it, knowing that This water contains most of the vitamins and minerals that dissolved in it.

In addition, the packing is to grain did not ripen after mature fully, because if left longer for dried and withered and became Kalahmass, and nature in this way the law is clear and explicit: that every violation of the conditions of nature make them responsible for the harmful consequences resulting from it, and so it was peas broken before maturity is difficult to digest, and causing difficulties in the digestive tract and kidneys in particular.

The pea green contain Albrocin and sugar with relative poverty in the water, and this explains yet another cause of difficulty to digest the combination of protein and sugar, forcing the body to make an effort plus Hih, because the protein is digested in the stomach, while the sugar required over a longer to digest, In this contrast between the conditions of the two components is digesting the many reasons for the unrest that we observe among those with weak digestive systems, gas and uprisings and Tafnat.

So we can address pea as a source of protein provided to insure that it is as close as possible to full maturity.

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