
Tuesday, February 18, 2014

Are you underweight ??? Follow the following steps

Are you underweight ???
Follow the following steps

  • First, increase the number of daily calories

  • Secondly, eating large meals Size

  • Third: healthy food

Eat large amounts of protein and healthy fats a day to gain weight consistently in all areas of the body. Proteins, healthy fats, for example, cheese, meat, eggs, chicken, dried fruits, nuts, soy milk, and legumes.
  • Fourth: fresh fruit juices

Eat plenty of fresh fruit juices, milk shakes (milkshakes) and Asamozthe, in addition of course to drink water to hydrate your body and energy conservation, the fluid from one of the factors that help Acquistion weight.
  • Fifth: weight-bearing exercises

Weight bearing medium plays an important role in increasing the weight of women's skinny as it works to tighten the body and give him an attractive appearance. It must take into account that this is done under the supervision of a specialist sports coach and there is a misconception that weight-bearing sport potency.
  • Sixth: Ensure good sleep

A good sleep helps the body to take advantage of the food, so it must be maintained to sleep eight hours a day.

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